Senior Section Training Schedule

The Senior section made up of First and Reserve teams are well underway. Successful seasons for both teams in 2013-14 saw the Firsts finish runner-up in their debut season in the MCFL Prem and the Reserves just miss out as Champions in the Snr Reserve Division on goal difference. Training details are below. If you would like to attend a session or are looking to join KDFC please email the Secretary Luke O’Donoghue at


Monday and Wednesday 7.00-9.00pm on the grass in front of the changing rooms at Wormwood Scrubs


Monday 8.30-10.00pm on Linford Christie 11aside astro pitch

Thursday 9.00-10.00pm on Linford Christie 11aside astro pitch

Wormwood Scrubs
Linford Christie Outdoor Sports Centre
Artillery Way, Off Du Cane Road, Wormwood Scrubs, London W12 OAE