With the season over there is much to think about as we plan the way forward.
As is our longstanding policy we did not charge any player from any team to join in but we have had to pay to all the costs – eg hiring the pitches. If any parent, or player, can afford to contribute then please don’t hesitate! Just click on the DONATE button.
Your reward will not just be in heaven – those making significant donations will secure a much-prized invitation to the Supporters’ Reception on Tuesday 2nd July
Normally we would now be busy organising our End of Season Event at LCS but it is not practical this year as portacabins have been installed in preparation for major works to the stadium. We will be talking to each team to make alternative arrangements.
The U11 Girls entered the Denham Tournament and did magnificently. They battled through to meet Ickenham Cheetahs in the Final and then just lost in extra time to a golden goal.
The U13 Boys beat Youngs FC 5-0 in a Friendly at home. The historically minded will remember that when the Dragons last played a Friendly there was more disruption than absolutely necessary. This time round however the fixture was a delight to all.
On Sunday 28th July: Festival of Activity and Wellbeing in Holland Park, W8 6LU
The Dragons are running free football sessions from 11am to 12.30pm and then again from 1.30 to 3pm. All ages welcome.
From Monday 29th July to Thursday 1st August – The Dragons Summer Soccer School from 10am to 1pm each day at Kensington Memorial Park (St Marks Park), St Mark’s Rd, London W10 6BZ
The Soccer School is for 9, 10 and 11 year old Boys and Girls wanting to play football next season. To preregister contact Angela on: admin@kensingtondragons.com or register on the day. There is no charge but voluntary contributions are always welcomed via the website.