Dragons Zoom Fitness Sessions For All – Ever Saturday during Lockdown at 9.30am – Join in, everybody who does is delighted they did.
To join click on the link at 9.25am: https://zoom.us/j/93010985110?pwd=TDRZLyswaU9ySGF4L1RXbmZpcFNnZz09 .The session starts at 9.30am sharp and will last 45 minutes:
The format is :
- 15 mins – Fitness Test (series of basic exercises lasting 30 seconds with as many repetitions as possible followed by 30 seconds rest).
- 25 mins – Workout with exercises to improve speed, agility and stamina
- 5 mins – Cool Down and Stretch
Please have a bottle of water, towel, paper and pencil handy. You will be able to chart your progress week by week.
Rose, our trainer, is very experienced having had to train to become the UK Karate Champion for 5 years in a row, winning the European Gold medal along the way.
Successful Coaches’ Conference held on Tuesday 9 Feb:
There was an excellent turnout for our Conference. The “Break Out Rooms” proved a successful technological leap forward and allowed the smaller groups to discuss:
- At what age do you feel it is reasonable to focus on winning as opposed to player development ?
- How long would you allow your team to play in a certain style, that has been worked on in training, but yet you keep losing or not putting into practice?
- What considerations do you take into account to inform your decision ?
- How many substitutes do you feel is realistic to take on a match day (for 7, 9 and 11 side matches) ?
- What are the main tasks that need to be carried out on a match day for the Coach and for the Manager ?
- At what point do these preparations start if a match is scheduled for a Saturday or Sunday ?
There proved to be no easy answers but one overall important conclusion was that Managers and Coaches need to work together as a team.
Best wishes