Dragons Zoom Fitness Sessions For All – Every Saturday during Lockdown at 9.30am – We all need to get fit for when football starts again.
To join click on the link at 9.25am: https://zoom.us/j/93010985110?pwd=TDRZLyswaU9ySGF4L1RXbmZpcFNnZz09 .The session starts at 9.30am sharp and will last 45 minutes:
Restart of Grassroots Football:
The Government plan to restart from the 29th March appears to remain on course. The FA has ruled that the season can be extended to the end of June but that that may not be possible for all our leagues. The updated current situation is:
- The Middlesex County Football Association (All KD teams): The 2020/21 County Cup program has been cancelled
- The Middlesex County Football League (KD Senior First and Blues Teams): The 2020/21 season has been declared null and void but will facilitate friendly matches between teams in preparation for the start of next season in August, a month earlier than that of the Juniors.
- The Harrow Youth League (KD Boys U12s to U18s): Fixtures will be scheduled for April 4th; 11th; 18th and 25th. The program for May, and possibly June, remains under review
- The Capital Girls League (KD Girls U11s to U15s): Fixtures will be scheduled from Saturday 10th April, not the 4th as it is a Bank Holiday weekend. It is then hoped to schedule matches to the end of June.
- Harrow Soccer Combination (KD Boys U11s): Fixtures will be scheduled for April 4th; 11th; 18th and 25th. The program for May, and possibly June, remains under review
Coaches’ Conference Tuesday 9th March:
Our coaches attended this important conference to discuss “Kick-starting your Coaching Philosophy, bearing in mind the Dragons Ethos”. Our Club operates in one of the most interesting areas in the UK and is extremely diverse with players from a huge variety of backgrounds. The coaches have to build teams in the context of diversity whilst applying KD’s underlaying Ethos. A challenge that they embrace.
Next Coaches’ Conference in April
The next topic will move from the philosophical to the practical – “Technical Principles for Young Goalkeepers” which some might say could be labelled “How to stop letting in goals”
Best wishes