Results W/E 16th May 2021

Another cracker of a weekend:

The Seniors beat Rajputs del Mundo 3-2 away in the group stages of the Covid Cup. This was yet another great win to take the Dragons into the quarter finals, with a game in hand

The U18s beat Pitshanger 4 – 1 at home in the Premiership. The Dragons  were shaky for the first 15 minutes before they found their rhythm to go 2-0 up by half time. In the second half the Dragons kept control to be awarded the deserved victory.  They need to stay focused as there is the potential to win the league

The U17’s beat Acton and Ealing Whistlers 1-0 at home. This should have been an easy stroll for the resurgent Dragons but it turned out to be a brutal test of grim determination.  At half time it was 0 – 0 with the wind and heavy rain showers making ball control unpredictable. Finally deep into the second half the stalemate was broken with a beautiful Dragons winning goal, laden with teamwork. It wasn’t pretty but, as the Coach said after the match, “A win’s a win whichever way you look at it.”

The U15 Boys just lost 2-1 away against Forest United. The Dragons made things difficult for themselves by only fielding 10 players.  After letting in two early goals, they bounced back with a goal to provide some hope of at least a draw, but ultimately being a man down for the entire match was too much.  A simple reminder that showing up is still a crucial part of the game!

The U15 Girls just lost 1-2 at home in a friendly again Actonians

The U14s had no match

The U13 Boys lost 0-3 away Celtic. There were no reports of cars breaking down so it could have been worse.

The U13 Girls had no match

The U12 boys beat Hanwell Town 2-1 at home.  Hanwell had come out on top in their first face-off in the autumn. Although  the Dragons conceded in the first 2 minutes they kept their heads up and worked as a team. After scoring a brilliant left-footed goal to tie they gained momentum and pulled ahead 2-1 with a bottom left corner goal. From there it was a tense and scrappy battle to the end, with Dragons hanging on to win.

The U12 Girls deservedly beat Hanwell Town 4-2 away. This was a rough, tough game. Hanwell’s shockingly biased coach refereed the match. Hanwell handballed so often you could have been at a basketball game with the ref coaching more then reffing, as he watched his team play what many would call Rugby/Football! The Dragons stayed firm and scored a great goal in the first 15 minutes and then held the lead well into the first half. Hanwell scored but the Dragons were determined not to let Hanwell’s dirty tricks discombobulate them and they  came back with a vengeance in the second half with a fantastic hat-trick!  The Dragons had made their seething fans proud.

The U11 Girls lost 2-5 in a thrilling encounter at home to Limehouse. The Dragons  battled throughout and scored two wonderful goals. However Limehouse had a genuine superstar who scored all 5 goals for Limehouse and she was just too good on the day.

The U11 Boys beat Acton Ealing Whistlers 6-1 at home in their sixth straight win. This was a much tighter match that the score would suggest. The Whistlers were a pleasant side who played well but just could not hold the Dragons in the vital moments. For the Dragons they need to pass and find space more to really capitalise on their increasing confidence.

The U10s trained before playing a friendly against the U11 Boys. The format of the end of training matches will now change. The U10s have learned to cope with the hustle and bustle of matches. Now they need to refine their positioning and passing.