We are looking forward to seeing the younger Dragons at the first training of the 2020/21 season at St Marks Park tomorrow, Saturday 4/9/2020.
Because of CV social distancing the girls will use the pitches first and then the boys. The Main Pitch will split into 3. The arrangements are:
Girls Training 9.15 to 10.15am
- The U11 Girls are on the top small pitch and should use the St Marks Road entrance to the park
- The U12 Girls and U13 Girls should use the Oakworth Road entrance and will be on the big pitch
- The U15 Girls should use the Pangbourne Avenue entrance and will be on the big pitch
Boys Training 10.30 to 11.45am
- The U10 Boys should use the St Marks Road entrance to the park and will be on the top small pitch
- The U11 and U12 Boys should use the Oakworth Road entrance and will be on the big pitch
- The U13 Boys should use the Pangbourne Avenue entrance and will be on the big pitch
Players should bring their own drinks – no sharing! – and follow the now customary social distancing rules – ie no hugging after scoring a brilliant goal! Parents must fill in a Club membership form for their child before he/she trains. These forms have been emailed or can be collected tomorrow morning.