We are now half way through this recent lockdown so we need to make sure we get back into peak condition when matches start again on the weekend 5/6th December to be followed by 12/13 December and then 19/20 December before we break for Christmas and New Year. Normally many Dragon teams block off the first weekend after New Year but some may prefer to start again on 2/3 January, rather than wait until 9/10 January. Our Managers will consult with the players and coaches.
We are not allowed to organise training sessions but our players should be keeping fit and practicing their skills – our Director of Football strongly recommends practicing:
‘Keep Ups’ using feet only and then using Feet, Thigh and Head
Before progressing to the pinnacle of Keep Ups – Around the World
Help on how to practice can be found by Googling each skill. A full range of practices for younger players can be found by googling FA Superkicks
A gorilla walks into a bar and orders a pint – the barman decides to double the price of beer thinking that the gorilla won’t know what a beer costs – “£11 pounds please” says the barman – the gorilla pays and then asks “Do you get many gorillas in your bar?” “No not many at all“ replies the barman – “well I am not surprised, with the price of your beer“